Call for Research Proposal
Aga Khan Health Service, Tanzania (AKHST) in collaboration with Ministry of Health (MOH), Aga Khan University (AKU), Ocean Road Cancer Institute (ORCI), Bugando Medical Centre (BMC), Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) and President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government (PO- RALG) with technical support from Institute Curie is implementing a 4-year health system strengthening initiative namely, the Tanzania Comprehensive Cancer Project (TCCP). The project aims at strengthening and expanding the quality, access, and capacity of cancer care services in the country with funding support from Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) and Agence Frangaise de Developpement (AFD).
TCCP is implemented in two target regions of Dar es Salaam and Mwanza. The project’s 4 major objectives include a) Improve and expand existing oncology infrastructure to provide more comprehensive oncology care through health systems strengthening, b) Build the capacity of staff in participating institutions to provide high quality cancer care by trained specialists, and train and retain local professionals through accredited programs; c) Strengthen community cancer care practices by delivering affordable, comprehensive health care services for preventive services including primary prevention, screening, and early detection and d) Develop and maintain relationships with stakeholders and participating institutions on joint research agenda and initiatives.
TCCP ‘Beat Cancer’ Research Initiative
The TCCP ‘Beat Cancer’ Research Initiative is a project that provides funding opportunity to researchers to conduct oncology researches in Tanzanian context ultimately providing local solutions for local problems.
This initiative is in line with the fourth objective of TCCP of developing joint research agenda and partnerships. This initiative is implemented in collaboration with Aga Khan University (AKU), Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Science (MUHAS) and National Institute of Medical Research (NIMR). The funding aims at getting innovative, creative, local/ contextualized and evidence-based solutions that would bring comprehensive cancer services closer to the people.
Moreover, it intends to build capacity of researchers to undertake evidence-based cancer studies thus increasing availability of cancer data through published cancer related research studies in Tanzania.
In 2022 the TCCP Beat Cancer’ Research Initiative is primarily interested in research projects that relate to one or more of the following areas:
- Primary prevention
- Diagnosis
- Treatment
- Palliative care
- Health management information system (HMIS)
- Funding Information
Together, the TCCP Beat Cancer Research Initiative will offer up to Ten (10) research grants of a maximum TZS 15 million each
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible applicants are clinical residents on-training, recently completed their Master’s degrees in public health or clinical science; or junior faculty from recognized Universities and can opt to have a mentor. The Principal Investigator (PI) must be a Tanzanian and Co-PIs and/or mentor(s) may be of other nationalities
Interested applicants can submit a comprehensive proposal, of maximum 3,000 words excluding references, and will include the following parts:
- Research Title
- Abstract
- Rationale/motivation for the research project-
- Problem statement and initial research questions
- Intended Methodology
- Expected contributions to knowledge and policy
- Work plan and budget
Evaluation of proposals
Proposals are evaluated on the following criteria:
- Alignment with research strategy
- Quality of research design
- Policy impact
- Budget (Value for money budget)
- Proposals awards and timeline
Proposals should be submitted by 29th April 2022
Successful proposals will be awarded by May 27, 2022
Project commencement should be not lat er than June 24, 2022 and
Expected end date is June 30, 2023. Therefore, selected researchers will be expected to accomplish their work within 12 months after commencement date
Researchers will be required to submit Progress Report Quarterly
The proposal should be focused in project area (Dar es salaam and Mwanza) and should include names of principal researchers and their current CVs as annexes.
Mode of Application:
Proposals should be submitted in both hard and soft copies to the following address:
Human Resource Department,
Aga Khan Hospital, Dar es Salaam
Program Director
Tanzania Comprehensive Cancer Project (TCCP)
P. O. Box 2289,
Dar Es Salaam
Telephone: +255 22 211 5151/2/3/4
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