Form five joining Instructions are the detailed guidance and instructions to the students that informs the students on the necessary requirements they are needed to meet before joining their respective schools.

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Form five Joining Instruction Tanga  2022/2023. Fomu Za Kujiunga Kidato Cha Tano Tanga 2022. After TAMISEMI announced Form Five and Colleges Selection for the academic year 2022/2023,. what next is releasing of various schools join Instructions so as to Instruct important things to consider for them to join with their schools in Tanga.
The Joining Instruction may include
- Reporting date
- School fee
- Books
- Uniform
- School  rules & regulations
How to get Tamisemi joining instruction Tanga 2022/2023?
Follow the following steps below to download your joining instruction Tanga
- You can access Form five Joining Instructions Tanga for 2022/2023 Academic year by visiting the TAMISEMI Official form ive selection portal through this link >>
- Find the name of the school to which you have been selected to join or your name
- The list of selected applicants will be displayed for that particular school.
- Just click on the school name link from the listing, then you will be redirected to the school joining form page and the pdf document of your joining will be downloaded automatically
- Please save the print or save the downloaded pdf document