How To Apply For A New Matric Certificate – Download matric certificate pdf South Africa
How do I apply for a new matric certificate?
You can request for the statement of results whereas watching for the problem of your certificate.
If the certificate is broken, you want to come the broken certificate to the Department of Basic Education (DBE) or Provincial Education (PED).
What should you do to get your matric certificate?
- Pay the prescribed fee by draft at the Post workplace, money at DBE / PED workplace or by cheque.
- Go to the closest DBE/ PED offices with the subsequent documents:
- An legal instrument stating what happened to your certificate (i.e. if it’s lost or damaged)
the original national/ senior certificate (if it’s damaged), this is often not applicable if it’s lost
The original identity document (ID) and a licensed copy. - Alternatively you’ll be able to transfer type, fill it in and post it with the hooked up documents as well as the draft to: personal Bag X895, Pretoria, 0001
Note: You may apply and pay for the re-issue ONLINE (
How long does it take to get your matric certificate?
It takes between four to 6 weeks for a Replacement certificate to be issued (for records on the system). you’ll get your statement of results forthwith.
For records not on the system, it’ll take longer as records has to be retrieved from the Archives and loaded on the system.
How much does it cost to replace a matric certificate?
It will cost you R141.00 for the replacement certificate, and if you want a statement of results, it will cost you an additional R52.00.
- National office: 012 312 5845/6/7
- Eastern Cape: 043 604 7709/73
- Free State: 051 404 8000
- Gauteng: 011 355 0588
- KwaZulu-Natal: 031 327 0538/0331
- Limpopo: 015 290 7747/7830
- Mpumalanga: 013 766 0033
- Northern Cape: 053 839 6585
- North West: 018 384 3100/51
- Western Cape: 021 467 2483