EMPLOYER Ministry Of Health (MOH)
APPLICATION TIMELINE: 2022-02-20 2022-03-05
i. To assist the GF Coordinator with the communication between the MoH Permanent Secretary and GF supported programmes (NACP, NMCP, NTLP, HSS) and external agencies (MSD, TFDA, NIMR) on M&E and progress reporting issues as outlined in these ToR;
ii. To compile the monthly reports and financial disbursement progress reports and transfer the information into monthly flash reports for submission to GF Coordinator by the beginning of third week every month;
iii. To scrutinize quarterly progress reports from the GF supported HIV/AIDS and HSS grant programmes; compare with planned activities; summarize findings in brief reports to GF Coordinator by end of the month into the subsequent quarter. Also provide written feedback on the reports to individual programmes
iv. To prepare background documentation for and/or participate in ad hoc consultations with the MoHSW Permanent Secretary, the GF supported programmes and the external agencies;
v. To write feedback reports to GF supported programmes and external agencies on all progress reports submitted to or through the GFCU. These feedback reports should be discussed at GFCU’s weekly coordination meetings and final reports should be transmitted to programmes/agencies within ten days of receiving the reports;
vi. To prepare and participate in regular two-monthly meetings with programmes and external agencies;
vii. To prepare documentation, reports, presentations etc. for GF programmes’ external stakeholders (LFA and GF; TNCM; MoF; and PMO-RALG) as outlined in these ToR or requested by the GF Coordinator;
viii. To scrutinize and submit recommendations for endorsement of GF Coordinator regarding GF supported programmes’ performance in terms of timely and high quality progress reporting to;
ix. To report monthly to GF Coordinator on status and progress with compliance on CPs, SCs, and TBAs;
x. To facilitate and participate in the LFA’s verification of PUDRs on request by the GF Co ordinator;
xi. To participate in the planning and preparation of new GF projects, project phases and support modalities, as directed by the GF Coordinator;
xii. To assist the GF Coordinator to provide relevant information and otherwise facilitate the PS, CMO, and Programme Managers’ participation in TNCM, GF Missions, and other GF related event
xiii. To assist programmes and external agencies with assessment of capacity enhancement requirements and advise on capacity building opportunities as directed by the GF Coordinator;
xiv. To facilitate and monitor GF funded programmes’ participation in TNCM – TWG meetings to discuss dash board reports;
xv. To coordinate and facilitate the preparation of GF supported programmes’ oversight plans;
xvi. To maintain in-debt insight with GF programmes’ and external agencies’ M&E systems, visit all programmes/agencies at least once every two months, record findings from these visits, and write feedback reports initially for discussion at the GFCU coordination meetings and subsequently – within ten days of each visit – provide the endorsed feedback to programmes/agencies;
xvii. To act on behalf of the GF Coordinator when specifically designated and requested to fulfil such tasks;
xviii. To participate in weekly GFCU coordination meetings;
xix. To Submit monthly work plan for consideration by the GF Coordinator one day before the last GFCU meeting in a preceding month;
xx. To abide by work plans approved by the GF Coordinator unless otherwise specifically agreed with the GF Coordinator;
xxi. To ensure that relevant M&E documentation is shared with colleagues in the GFCU; and
xxii. To ensure that all documentation under the purview of M&E Supervisor is submitted to the GF Grants Officer for soft and hard filing.
Doctor of Medicine Degree (MD) plus three years working experience in the M & E field. Master of Monitoring and Evaluation, Public Health or Epidemiology will be an added advantage
i Be able to collect and understand the evidence that is already available;
ii Data collection and survey development skills in social science research;
iii Strong data analysis skills;
iv Strong communication skills, such as good data visualization skills and creative Presentation techniques;
v Strong proficiency in English and Kiswahili languages;
vi Flexible, Adaptable, Detail-oriented and Team Player; and
vii Computer literate.
REMUNERATION Accoding to Programme Scales
The deadline for submitting the application is 05 March 2022.
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