ZHELB Loan Application 2021/2022. The Higher Education Loan Board of Zanzibar announces to all students who need to develop themselves in various fields of Higher Education that loan applications for the academic year 2021/2022 will be received from 01/07/2021 and closed on 15/08/2021.
All Loan applications will be received online through a special ‘online loan application system’ via zolas.zhelb.go.tz/zolas which will be open for 45 days from 01/07/2021.
ZHELB Loan Application 2021/2022
Loans will be given to applicants who have qualified for enrollment in Higher Education courses at: –
- Bachelor Degree
- Master Degree
- Third Degree (PhD)
The beneficiaries of the Credit Application are: –
- Form Six graduates qualified for enrollment in undergraduate studies.
- Diploma graduates qualified to join Undergraduate studies.
- Undergraduate graduates with the qualifications to join a Bachelor’s Degree.
- Second Degree graduates qualified to join Third Degree courses.
Loan applicants should take into account Government priorities which are available on the websites of the Zanzibar Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (www.moez.go.tz) and the website of the Zanzibar Higher Education Credit Board (www.zhelb.go.tz)
Loan applicants are required to have the following documents: –
- Zanzibari Resident Identity Card.
- Tanzanian ID.
- Form Four Completion Certificate
- Certificate of Completion Form Six
- Award verification number (AVN), certificate and examination results (transcript) for Diploma qualified applicants.
- Certificate and examination results (transcript) for second or third degree applicants
- Birth Certificate
- A college admission letter will apply later.
- Applicants who have taken the Form Four and / or Form Six examinations outside Tanzania must submit a certificate of merit from the National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA).
In addition, applicants who are affiliated with Higher Education Institutions outside Tanzania must attach a letter of No Objection Certificate from the Tanzania Universities Commission (TCU).
Make sure that your full names used in all your documents are correct. Scholarships for foreign colleges will be considered for the only priority areas that are not taught in local colleges in Tanzania. This loan application does not apply to SMZ and SMT employees.